Originally a scientist, I discovered a passion for supporting others to be their best when I began leading and managing my own team. In search of tools and techniques to support myself and others I discovered NLP. After a number of years using NLP & Clean Language, both in my own life and with my clients, I began to train others as NLP Practitioners & Master Practitioners.
During this time I delivered NLP training throughout the UK as well as in France, Greece, India, and South Africa. Working with senior teams, leaders and managers, as well as trainers, coaches and independent consultants.
More recently I have discovered an approach known as The Three Principles, and I have been surprised and delighted at how my own personal & professional life has transformed. I now also share this approach with my training, coaching & consulting clients.
Clients include:
- Standard Life
- Ernst Young
- NHS Scotland
- Investors in People
- Philips Electronics
- Saffrey Champness
- Royal College of
- Nursing
- NLP Master Trainer & Coach
- Clean Language & Symbolic Modelling Facilitator
- Three Principles Coach
- M.Sc. Computer Science
- B.Sc. Oceanography Meteorology, Physics
21st March
View Schedule
Session Details – 2020
Anyone who has studied NLP for any length of time knows the description of it as ‘The study of the Structure of Subjective experience’. The value of such a study is immense in an ability to emulate others who excel at an endeavour, to influence our own subjective experience, or simply to explore someone else’s. These skills are incredibly valuable in everyday life.
Yet what if there is a structure to all experience, the understanding of which means that our need to explore and influence our own thoughts and behaviours often seems less pressing and access to our own excellence seem more often closer to hand.
What if understanding this structure, in a first hand, experiential manner, led to us being able to learn and practice any skill with greater ease and less angst and also to concern ourselves less with our moment to moment, subjective experience.
To quote Rumi… Out beyond ideas of right and wrongdoing there is a field, I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.
In the session we will explore the field that Rumi found and who knows, we may even find the world that is too full to talk about!