Kay Cooke

Kay Cooke

NLP Master Trainer, Coach, Consultant

UK based Kay Cooke is a Master Trainer of NLP and a long-time member of Richard
Bandler’s international training team.

Kay has created a Society of NLP endorsed training program called Happy Brain Next-
Generation Thinking. It is a specialist application of NLP for people who work with children
and teens. Kay has authored and published several Happy Brain and NLP related books.


20th Jan
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Session Details – 2024

Using Stealth To Ignite Next-Generation Thriving

Working with children is rarely about the individual being examined under the microscope. The ‘problem’ is so very often systemic and rooted in the beliefs of the system that created and maintains the child.  Adult beliefs about children often run as unconscious programs, sometimes installed by social engineers of the present time, and other times, silently seeping through from several generations past.

Beliefs reveal themselves when we are approached by a concerned parent:

“S/he’s just like …” 
“My child cannot/will not …”
“They always/never …”
“I’m afraid they will/won’t …”
“They’re so difficult…”

As NLPers, we are trained to hear these limitations presented in surface structure language patterns and know just what to say to loosen them up. However, when we are invited to work with ‘problem’ children, we are rarely being invited to work with the parents’ perceptions. Worse still, if we do ‘Meta Model them’ without invitation, their unconscious hubris can lead a well-meaning adult into a downward spiral of more ‘evidence gathering’ that the child is/has a problem. So, we have to handle the adults with care!

When system beliefs are non-conscious, we might say the system’s matrix is determining its auto-pilot responses and reactions. Mostly this still provides us with opportunities to pace and lead awareness into new areas for conscious attention. But when the concept of system beliefs is non-conscious, we’ve got our work cut out!

Working with a system that is unable to perceive itself beyond its programming, requires elegant multi-level communication. Starting with the child’s ‘issue’ as our entry point to the whole system, we can subliminally connect dots of awareness and gradually bring those deeper ‘meanings’ into plain sight. The question then becomes, ‘what does that system need to know/do next?’

 In this workshop you will:

  • Experience an overview of the Happy Brain model
  • Hear and see examples of systemic interventions
  • Be inspired to use multi-level communication
  • Work with examples of care-givers’ limited thinking patterns
  • Consider new ways to covertly coach the caregivers
  • Discuss novel strategies for next-generation thinking

How can we as a community, exponentially create impact in the world?”

Let’s travel and work upstream to stealthily ignite next-generation thriving!

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