Judith Lowe

Judith Lowe
NLP Master Trainer & Ambassador of ANLP, UK

Judith Lowe is a Master Trainer of NLP and has trained in the UK and internationally for over thirty years.

Judith was one of our popular guest speakers at the first NLP conference in India in Mumbai in 2019. She also works with many other groups and organisations to promote in-depth, systemic NLP at every level of skill and practice.

Her work includes transformational approaches in Somatic Intelligence, NLP Modelling, Belief Change, Coaching at Identity Level, and a long-term project (with Judith DeLozier)  to bring the practical tools of NLP to people working with social change issues in their communities.

She is a faculty member at NLPU (Robert Dilts’ NLP institute), and integrates the principles and practices from ‘Generative Change’ into all her trainings.


06th April
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Session Details – 2025

Developing Generative Coaching

The new international field of Generative Change has been developed by the exceptional transformational change leaders Robert Dilts (Systemic NLP, Success Factor Modelling) and Stephen Gilligan (Ericksonian approaches, Self-Relations, Creative Mind).

The Generative Coaching process brings together the very best of their forty years of extraordinary innovation and expertise in personal and professional development.

In this conference session I want to introduce you to some of the main principles and experiential stages of this coaching process. Anyone who is interested in coaching or in their own personal growth will I hope find this way of working with a client fascinating and inspirational.

There are six key steps to the Generative Coaching process. So at one level it is a simple process to learn and to follow. However there is a rich depth and dynamic complexity in how those steps work together to help a person become more integrated, more creative, and more present and alive in their life.

The steps involve being able first to access and then to enhance a skilful, centred, creative state (COACH state) and to help your client do the same so that you can become a ‘coaching container’ for a creative coaching conversation. This is the foundational skill and premise of the approach. Goals are expressed more in the form of intentions and they are tested and enriched by being held in verbal, visual and somatic forms. Then meaningful and transformational resources can be identified and the ‘three points of connection’ can be established and elaborated – self, intention, resources. Of course action plans are then created, obstacles welcomed and transformed and the change is deepened and integrated.

The process itself is a creative one and there are multiple variations to suit each individual to achieve each step. As Robert and Steve say “Generative Coaching is a way to practice creativity so that we’re lucky enough to create worlds to which we all want to belong.”

21st March
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Session Details – 2020

Coaching at Identity

NLP tools are often used to help people with specific behavioural changes. But what if the issue is more about who a person is, or who a person is becoming, rather than simply what they do? In other words, your client needs developmental support for their life as a whole?

Sometimes big changes and challenges in a person’s life create pervasive anxiety and difficulty. This can be caused by positive life events like becoming a parent, getting married, moving to a new country, or being promoted to a new role. Or it can be triggered by more negative experiences such as bereavement, or a loss of status, health or financial security.

Coaching at Identity Level is usually more creative and relational in style. The coach and client work closely together to transform and develop a renewed, expanded sense of self in which the client can begin to re-experience themselves as resourceful and capable in deeper ways. They feel ready to grow, to progress their situation, and to wake up to all the many possibilities, dreams and directions they might create in their life.

In this practical and interactive conference session, I will draw on some of the key frames of reference for this type of work with NLP – belief change, vision, mission, personal meaning-making, transforming the ‘shadow’, the hero’s journey, and more.

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