Mickey Feher

Mickey A Feher

Co-founder of Mindset Maps International

Mickey is a Mindset specialist, helping others to unlock their Purpose and reach their next level. He is the co-founder of MindsetMaps International with Robert Dilts. He is a speaker, executive coach and facilitator with 15 years of experience developing leaders, coaches and trainers, as well as organizations. He is one of the co-authors of the book Generative Consulting: Tools for creativity, consciousness and collective transformation. He is regularly featured in Forbes and Psychology Today in the United States and runs the successful podcast MANTORSHIFT. Mickey is also a serial entrepreneur and has 17 years of experience in sales management and C-level leadership on a global level. He has worked across the full spectrum of CEOs, entrepreneurs and senior leadership teams, as well as senior leaders of both small private companies and multi-billion dollar publicly-traded organizations.


22nd Jan
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Session Details

How to Align Your Mindset To Achieve Your Goals?

The Road From Minding the Gap To Setting Your Mind.

In an interactive and engaging workshop, you will be able to map your current mindset using the online tool Success MindsetMaps™ Inventory (SMI™). The workshop will shed light on how the mindset can align and support or block success and achievement of key business and life goals / outcomes. You will also get some initial tools / ideas for aligning your (or your client’s) mindset to realize your (their) goals. There will also be an opportunity to see a demo coaching with a volunteer where we use the SMI™ tool and some of the 49 NLP based coaching tools, built into the online web application.

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